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Waveguide Elements

Thumb waveguides   umt


Waveguides are structures that guides the electromagnetic wave and/or waves with minimal insertion loss of signal


Thumb flexible waveguides   umt

Flexible Waveguides

Flexible waveguides are structures that guides the electromagnetic wave and/or waves in complicated directions with minimal insertion loss of signal


Thumb waveguide adaptors   umt

Waveguide Adapters

Waveguide Adapters are structures with different flange types (e.g. WR75 at on side and C120 at another) that guides the electromagnetic waves with minimal insertion loss of signal


Thumb waveguide filters   umt

Waveguide Filters

A waveguide filter is useful for some frequency range passing (the pass-band filter), or – rejecting (the stop-band filter), or limiting from the cut-off frequency value (high-pass or low-pass filter).


Thumb feeds   umt


Axial and offset feeds are used in directed antennas as a transmitter part of radio relay TV link and TV repeater broadcasting stations


Thumb waveguide power dividers   umt

Waveguide Power Dividers

Waveguide Power Dividers are used for transmitted or received RF signal equal dividing between 2 antennas or other blocks


Thumb isolators   umt


Waveguide isolators are used for one-way transmission of electromagnetic waves and for equipment protection from unmatched load
